Diamond Backtesting with Walk Forward Manager (BTWFMgr) Updates
(Professional Software Solutions)

Below is a list of all the updates to the "Diamond Backtesting with Walk Forward Manager (BTWFMgr)".
If you have any earlier version just download the full package and reinstall.


3.1a >Adjusted BTWFMgr data collection to the new MultiCharts Version 12 Backtesting 
>Adjusted BTWFMgr data collection to the new TradeStation 9.5 MultiThreaded Backtesting
>Allow only one Rank Definition for the smart ranking 
>Added new Walk Forward Period options:  - see WFPeriods.txt LIST 
a) Monthly  
b) Yearly (Floating)  (full years from start of data)
c) Yearly (Jan1 fixed) (full years from first Jan 1st data point)

>Added new Walk Forward Period Anchored Option, which keeps the initial InSample(ISA) Starting date! - see sample spreadsheet Anchored.xls 

>Strategy Preparation is now directly available - as an individual module: C:/BTWFMgr/BTPrep.exe  

>Added  new SQN Statistics: System Quality Number® (SQN®) developed by Dr. Tharp:|
to assist you to easily rank the success of your trading strategy
Score: 1.6 – 1.9 Below average, but trade-able
Score: 2.0 – 2.4 Average
Score: 2.5 – 2.9 Good
Score: 3.0 – 5.0 Excellent

Score: 5.1 – 6.9 Superb
Score: 7.0 – Keep this up, and you may have the Holy Grail.

SQN is defined as:  sqrt(Number of Trades) x Average(Trade$) / StandardDeviation(Trade$) 
>Added a new Sequential and SQN branch to the WalkForward Treeview
2.3h >Added "View WalkForward Period" Option on right click on Permutation/WalkFwd Results:

>Added automatic export of the Strategy Input Parameter Analysis:
Example WalkFwd - click on the "RSILength" Input Parameter  - creates: Input_RSILength.csv 

>Added automatic ADMINISTRATOR rights check - see download page 
>Added checkbox to Strategy Preparation for MultiCharts x64 platform:
>Improved backtest speed in MultiCharts for large backtest runs (8000+ permutations)
>Simplified the Strategy Code Preparation - see here
>Added automatic AmiBroker date conversion - see here
>Added converting Equity Data to "Potential data" (version 2.3h4)

>Adjusted the end of day potential exit:
EoDay:1 - exits when the date changes (midnight)
EoDay:1500 - exits when the bar time reaches 1500(3PM) or later
EoDay:0 - does not exit based on date or time

>Track PositionExitManager(PEM) details with configuration by increasing the PEM Verbose level to 1,2 or 3
Configuration/Position Exit Manager(PEM)/PEMVerbose:

>Made the MaxBar Position Exit Manager(PEM) optimization element optional (MaxBar:0,1)
>Corrected special Position Exit Manager( PEM) early exit issue
>Added also Commision to Walk Fwd Positions Export
>Corrected some typos
2.3g >Added "View Log" yes/no option to properties module
>Added menu options to the Funtions:
"WalkForward Period Manager" and "WalkForward Custom Period Manager"
>Added new "StartMaximized" switch in the General Config section,
   to allow restoring of previous BTWFMgr    Window Position and size
>Added "View Log" option also to Functions
>Added new PFMin filter, just checking if the ProfitFactor as above a minimum
>Added strategy input support also for numeric values with surrounding spaces: Example: RSILength(   21  )
>Replace Walk Fwd Result List OutOFSample header with OOS (Previously OSA)
>Added $AvgTrdAmt (Average Trade AMount) to list of items available in the Walk Fwd Sort
>Increased In/outSample Week values from 100 to 1000
>Added detailed Walk Foward Diagnostics description
>Added BTWFMgr support for AMIBROKER - for details see here
2.3f >Added option to turn off WalkFwd notification box:
(Now also showing the WalkFwd saved filename)
(Can be turned off/on with "WFAConfirmNewData" Walk Fowrda Cfg switch)

> Added new Walk Forward operations for the Trade Permutation of a selected WalkFwd period,
  just double click on the WalkFwd Period Number and a new menu will appear with Permutation functions:

>Added Base Folder for BTWFMgr screen captures:

>Added instant BTWFMgr screen capture renaming option:

>Added AmiBroker AFL synchronization - using the #include_once function:
a) Right-click on the permutation and select "Synchronize Strategy Parameter"

b) BTWFMgr will export all parameter for this permutation to a new AFL file,
which is included after the last "Optimize()" statement or //BTWF_END command:
#INCLUDE_ONCE "C:/Program Files/AmiBroker/Formulas/Systems/RSICross-Perm.afl" 
//Inserting Parameter Values for Perm#747

c) A new AFL file is created with the exported values for the selected permutation (RSICross-Perm.afl):
//BTWFMgr strategy permutation parameter section for Permutation#747

RSILength = 14; //Input#001
OverSold = 15; //Input#002
OverBought = 90; //Input#003

>d) A confirmation box appears:

>Added "CalcPL" switch to enabled/disable profit loss re-calculation in the initial data conversion:
(in AmiBroker mode the "CalcPL" switch is always set to NO to match the results exactly to AmiBroker!)
2.3e >Added support for MultiCharts/TSSupport    More details here
>Added WalkFwd Total Equity normalization to the full data range.
  The new WF Equity normalization is activated with the new Config Switch:
  Both WF Equities are shown in the treeview: 5882.52=Normalized, 4980.00=Raw:

  Example of Normalization Formula used: 50Weeks of available data, using 10week ISA and 2week OSA 
  would amplify the equity by 25% (50weeks /40weeks)
>Added Smart Rank also to the Walk Fwd Result list, 

which can be customized in the configuration under "Smart Ranking" and 

> Added ExitOnError switch defaulting to YES in the GENERAL config section (when a file is not found)
> Added chart change detection between backtests when several optimizations are lined up in tradestation and consecutively run

2.3d >Added an optional Filter for Input Value Analysis: 
Strategy Potential & Probability Analysis/FilterInpValues
Example: 10/6=use top 10% of the SmartRanking1, 100/6=no filter (100%)
>Overview shows now initially the yearly performance graph
>Added WalkForward Save/Load/Sequence function - see here
>Added Overview Filter - see here
> Improved CSV File open - using [SYS] CSVEXE to explicitly open the Microsoft EXCEL.EXE program:
CSVEXE=C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/EXCEL.EXE
 -OR- use Configuration General/CSVEXE 
The first time you open a CSV file - it might take a few seconds to find EXCEL.EXE 
- Improved Performance Analyzer (Version 1.2p10) - see here for details.
- Added new "View LogFile" button to help box
2.3c >Added support for the new Genetic Backtesting results
>Adjusted FOREX trading calculations and expanded display to 5 decimal digits
>Expanded Overview Module Equity Mode
>added support for Strategy input variables with type declarations:
   Inputs: INT nLength(5), DOUBLE dFactor(1.45);
>added option to half the blue line in the 2D Input analysis for better scaling in many cases:
  In the configuration set General/ShowAllHalf=YES

  In the configuration set General/ShowAllHalf=NO - adding long and short:

>Improved partial exit logic 
2.3b12 >Added new Permutation detail display to the "Show Properties" functions -Example:
Permutation#537 (5 Inputs below)
Varied only: RSILength=14
All Inputs:     RSILength=14, Overbought=70, ...

>Added new detailed Trading Event viewing Mode (Equity Mode only):
File/Open detailed Trading Event file (btwf2)
which will show the actual trading information received from the backtesting run
together with the associated strategy input parameter:

>Added a new function to filter only trading events which match your list of Strategy Parameters:
Specify the list in the BTWFMgr Config file directly (C:/BTWFMgr/WFOMgr.ini) - Example:
EvtFilterPar=RSILength=12, Overbought=70, ...
2.3b11 >Added new function:
Convert Equity Data to Potential mode
2.3b10 >Prepare Strategy Code  Added direct load from clipboard
a) Open your EasyLanguage STrategy Code in Tradestation (File/Open Doc...)
b) Highlight the entire text (Ctrl+A)
c) Copy to clipboard (Edit/Copy)
d) Open BTWFMgr and click on the blue exlamation mark button - or Functions/Prepare
e) Enter the Startegy name in to top pulldown field
f) Click on "Load from Clipboard"
g) BTWFMgr will generate the new text automatically and show the next text
h) paste the new text into teh Tardestation edit box and Verify
2.3b9 >Added Walk Fwd Analysis Distribution (Chart + Spreadsheet):

>Added Walk Fwd Analysis Distribution also when clicking on
   "Sorted by XXX" in the WFA Branches
>Added Walk Fwd Analysis Statistics export to MS Access Database

>Added Export to database of all Trade Permutation statistics:

>Added Database License Manager to Help Dialog
>Added PDF and Web Help Link to Help Dialog
2.3b8 >Added 5 new Sort Criteria to the Walk Foward Result Display:

>Improved PreSort Function
>Added "MaxPosLoad" parameter to allow to adjust the limit of maximum positions (15Million)
>Added "MaxEvtLoad" parameter to allow to adjust the limit of maximum events (20Million)
2.3b7 >Adjusted Print function to capture the current view into a JPEG file:
   (YYYY=Year, MM=Month, DD=Day, HH=Hour, MM=Minute, SS=Second)
2.3b6 >Added redesigned Walk Fwd Sort Manager:

>Added Result Distribution also for Sequential; Branch
2.3b5 >Added strategy parameter as separate columns in the Result Distribution Spreadsheet
>Added redesigned Walk Fwd Filter Manager:
2.3b4 >Added "Result Distribution - Spreadsheet" option for CSV viewing
>Added right click popup menu option for "Result Distribution" options:

>Added also Smart Ranking to "Result Distribution" function
>Added BTWFMgr base folder to "Show Properties":
Base:   C:/BTWFMgr
>Added Avg Position Duration to "Show Properties":
10.29 Average Position Duration (Hours)
2.3b3 >Added result distribution selection box:

>Added Result distribution spreadsheet export to:
  BTWFMgrFile{Criteria}.CSV - Example here
>Period manager checks now for compatibility of ISA/OSA types
  Example: Weekly does not mix with daily

>Increased the treeview width default to 360 pixels
  can be customized in Config: TreeView/TreeWidth
>Added option to NOT open the last data file on startup: Set CFG General/OpenLastFile=NO
2.3b2 >Added more statistics to information
9360 Trading Permutations (Avg 511.0 Positions per Permutation)
4.78 Mill Positions
>Added Result Distribution (File/Function/Result Distribution) or in Toolbar

>Reduced Memory usage for Walk Fwd Analysis
2.3b1 >Revised Manual
>Consolidated automated analysis below:

>Added new automated Monthly (Jan, Feb etc) analysis
>Added new automated Weekday (Monday,Tuesday etc) analysis
>Added new automated and entry intraday time (10AM, 11AM etc) analysis
>Added new automated daily and Monthly (Jan 2008, Feb 2008 etc) analysis
for more details click here - http://www.profsoftware.com/bt/home.htm#TimeAna
>Added WeekDay analysis also to Potential Mode
2.3a6+7 >Replaced Potential Sample - which includes new WeekDay Analysis
>Improved EasyLanguage Modification Module to avoid the initial occasional VERIFY error
>shortened Strategy Parameter tooltip text in the treeview to show only the varied parameter
2.3a5 >Improved Event Viewing to view raw collected trading events
  drag and drop the btwf2 file into the BTWFMgr window and select "6. Open as Trade Event List"
  or use "Open with" and select the new BTWFEvt.exe module
  for details click here
>Added Exporting of Trading Events to a spreadsheet
  (right click and select "Export Trading Events")
>Improved Data Collection Module Sync check (c:/Windows/System32/PSS_BT.DLL)
>Added Data Collection Module Sync check to Help/About
>Improved "Strategy Parameter Synchronization" function
>Added Strategy Name display to Treeview and Properties Box
>Changed default Walk Fwd "Save Optimization Run Results" to OFF - for much faster performance
>Sort list of available periods (Weekly, Daily, Runs)
>Corrected currency futures profit loss calculations (@EC, @BP, @JY etc)
>Added Walk Forward Loading progress bar
2.3a4 "Strategy Parameter Synchronization" function:
a) Simplified -  now you just have to open the Format Strategy Input box and
     BTWFMgr will access it automatically find and adjust all matching parameter for you
b) BTWFMgr will also leave the Format Box open, so you can decide
     if you want to apply the parameter - or "Set Default" or Cancel.
2.3a3 >Added Strategy Parameter Synchronization
   (right click on the Trade Permutation and select:"Synchronize Strategy Parameter")
>Expanded "Show Properties" information:
Commission:10.00$ (per Trade incl Slippage)
Amt/Point: 50.00$
Ticksize:  0.25000$
StartEqu:  100000.00$
2.3a1+2 >Attached WFA Optiomizations to each WFA Element (Filter, Sort etc)
>Added new Walk Forward Dimension for period Definition Set
>Added Walk Forward Analysis (WFA) Matrix 3D View
>Added In/OutOfSample Days
>Added WFA Matrix Spreadsheet
>Added WFA Overview Result Spreadsheet
>Added annualized Equity (OSA Days -> Year)
>Added WFA Dialog (Ctrl+A) 
>Added WFA Filter/Sort/InSample/OutOfSample Equity Analysis
2.2f >Added new recalcation for changed commission/slippage
>Added converting Equity data to Potential data
>Added new recalcation for date % cutoff 
2.2e >Expanded max Number of Strategy Input Variables from 30 to 99
>Enhanced Position tracking logic in the data collection function
>Added advanced match functions to WFA Formula - example PROM1.btwff:
  (( ($AvgGainAmt * ($CntGain - sqrt($CntGain))) / ($AvgLossAmt * ($CntLoss - sqrt($CntLoss))) ) / Margin ) > PROMMin
>Simplified Data collection function calls and updated desacription page at  eldmode.htm
>Added Event Viewer (File/Open Events) - then click on an event range
>Expanded Data collaction to up to 99 Inputs
>Added Select/Deselect aall Strategy Input Parameter in Strategy Modify Dialog
>Disable adding "nBTWFMgrExport" to Strategy Input tracking
2.2d >Added Yearly Equity projection to Input Parameter Analysis in Equity Mode
>Added Probability to Input Parameter Analysis in Equity Mode
>Added Number of Trades to Input Parameter Analysis in Equity Mode
>Added Toolbar Scale button support change to Input Parameter Analysis in Equity Mode
>Added ability to compare all permutations against a reference trading/position list
  Just drag the PerfAna file into the BTWFmgr Window
  The new "CompareMaxDiffMinutes" cfg parameter defines the max nbr of entry time differences
  (in  Minutes) when Comparing Position Lists - added to the "Best Trade Permutation Analysis" cfg section
2.2c >Added 3D View
>Added "SkipLoosers=NO" switch for best permutation equity scanner
>Corrected Position Equity display
>Added Stock and FOREX support
>Added flexible Before and After Entry parameter to Chart settings for Position Display
  (See Settings then Chart/BarsBeforeEntry=10 and BarsAfterEntry=100)
>Added a message when all trades in all permutations are skipped
  (Skipped ALL trades in all permutations - (Looser=X, too little trades=Y, too many trades=Z)
   (Adjust SkipLoosers, RRMinPos and MaxPosShow settings)
2.2b >Added Max Loss Potential Floor
   (PotentialMaxLoss=400 in Strategy Potential & Probability Analysis)
>Improved Position Exit Manager Descriptions (PEM)
2.2a >Added AllBar Mode (BTWFMgrMode = 3)
2.1q >Added Microsoft Database (MDB) Export - see WalkFwd.MDB/TAB
  (Switch ExportTrdPerm=YES in System section of preferences)
>Added Sorting by Equity/Probability/ProfitFactor/AvgTrd to
  Position Exit Optimization Results display in Treeview
>Added Export to Text(TAB) and Microsoft Access(MDB) for all permutations
>Added Position Profit/Loss Distribution
  (right click on Permutation and select "Position Profit/Loss Distribution"..)
>Reversed StopExp iteration in display
>Added menu to bring up the Potential and WalkFwd Samples (Help Menu)
>Default scale for Input Parameter analysis in Equity is now equity avg 
>Define Probability Levels in $ Amounts (ProbLevels$ = 50,100,150)
>Define Probability Level to be used for general avg (ProbLevel = 2, middle)
>Added manual Entry List (Potential) mode (see EntryExample1.btwf1/txt)
2.1p >Added filter in Potential calculation to remove insignificant samples
  (less than 8 positions, see "MinRRCnt" in the configuration)
>Added Overview module
>Added Overview Spreadsheet export (click Overview toolbar button)
>Added "StockShares" to configuration for position size of stocks
>Added Symbol ranking and space display to Overview Display
>Added joined Excursion and Potential mode
>Added new Analysis type to Input Parameter Analysis - 12 analysis styles:
1,2,3=AllAvg ($,Tick,Yr), 4=PerYear(Yr$), 5=Prob(%),
6,7,8=PeakAvg ($,Tick,Yr), 9=TrdCnt, 10,11,12=Loss ($,Tick,Yr)
>Added PSS_F2.DLL version check for sync DLL in /Windows/System32
>Added version check to Overview scan modes
2.1o >Added Potential Probability function - right click select "Activate Probability Chart (xxx)"
>Added customizing the 3 levels used for Probability - ProbLevels=10,20,30 (in ticks)
>Added Potential Probability scanning for the best overall probability
>Added Potential Probability best display to treeview
>Added WalkForward OSA Overlap post processing: OSAStyle
0=do not check for OSA overlap
1=delete overlap positions in the new WFO OSA period until no more overlap with the ending pos
2= delete overlap/last position in the current WFO OSA period
3=Like Style1, but allow different direction positions
4=Like Style2, but allow different direction positions

>Allow walk forward data to be moved with btwf1+3 files
>Allow to install in different drive - sync with the System/DRIVE setting in Cfg!
>Added Probability column to TreeView
>Added Probability column to best analysis spreadsheet and overview scanning
>Always show AvgTrd$ initially when an Input Variable Analysis is clicked,
     on repeat click on the same input then toggle thru 5 Y scales
2.1n >Allow negative values for "WFODayShift"
>Default to yearly display when clicking on best "Yearly" results in Strategy Potential
>Added RSI Sample Code
2.1m >Added Weekend exit logic - to avoid holding over a weekend (RREOW)
>Added global Max Position Age to Position Exit Optimization (to avoid extremely long durations)
>Added new Input Variable distribution charts: Trd$/Yearly$/Nbr of Trades/MaxLoss$
>Added RSI Potential Sample
>Added Stop Requested switch to "Position Exit Manager Optimization" interface
>Added new button to "Position Exit Manager Optimization" interface to
  create a new exit definition around the optimal strategy potential result (All/.Long/Short)
>Added configuration for up/down steps around the strategy potential optimum (PEMUpDownSteps)
>Added new MaxBars termination to "Position Exit Manager Optimization" interface
  to close position always after MaxBars (if not already closed) to avoid extremely long held positions
2.1l >Adjusted Strategy Potential Scanner to use the NET potential (max gain minus max loss)
>Added Long/Short filter to Strategy Potential right click menu
>Added also Yearly Strategy Potential Categories to Treeview (All/Long/Short)
>Added skipping of positions which are too close to each other (RRMinDistPos=10 bar minimum)
>Improved Strategy potential Scanner to find best result for EACH Trade Permutation
>Added Long/Short Context Variable analysis
>Skip Permutations from Average Potential Graph which have insufficient Trades ( RRMinPos)
>Added parameter to limit the number of X Grid Lines (MaxGridLine)
>Added elimination of duplicate results in Best Trade/Potential TreeView (MakeBestUnique)
2.1k >Added new SCAN RESULT function - to build a spreadsheet of all results
  for one (or several symbols) for a the current startegy:
  File/Scan previous BTWFMGr results
>Added copy function to generate new Strategy Exit definitions
>Added filter for context value variations: All/Long only/Short Only:
  Strategy Potential & Risk/Reward Analysis/ContextLSFilter
>Added Overlap skip counter to Strategy Exit Optimizer
>Activated "Include EndOfData Exits" switch to Strategy Exit Optimizer
>Added switch to enable/disable automatic Walk Forward Optimization
  after Auto Load - AUTOWFO
>Added switch to disable the Best Result Extraction:
  Best Trade Permutation Analysis/CalcBestTrdPerm
>Cached extracted Best Results
2.1j >Added flexible AUTOSTART switch toi enable/disable automatic loading
  after the TradeStation Optimization is completed
>Added flexible non-historic period Walk Forward parameter (WFOAddPeriod)
>Added flexible BTWFMgr home folder parameter (DRIVE)
>Added "View Period" button to Walk Forward Setup Dialog Box
2.1i >Improved Walk Forward period logic for x Run type to end on last historical date
>Added Walk Forward Parameter to allow for custom date shifts (WFODayShift)
2.1h >Added automatic creation of spreadsheet of the best results (File_Best.csv)
>Added new previous Walk Forward Result load function (File/Open prev WFO Data)
>Added also Period Identifier to Walk Forward Optimizing Folder name F[Filter]+S[Sort]+P[Period]
2.1g >Added smart available Memory check to Event processing to avoid "Out of Memory" aborts
>Added smart available Memory check to Context processing to avoid "Out of Memory" aborts
2.1f >Moved Pos Counter to the fornt of the tree view Permutation display
>Added OutOfSample Position Counter and Profit Factor to tree view display
2.1e >Added new BTWFMgr Configuration and Preference Manager
   (Ctrl+C or Yellow hammer tool)
>Improved Optimization detection - see here for details
>Added "Out of Memory" detection
>Added graceful recovery when available Memory exhausted
  during initial Event processing (20Mill limit)
>Added best potential default to middle when no best result detected
2.1d >Added new Y Scale Toolbar button to rotate thru all Scale styles
>Added explicit Y Scale menu choices
>Added Performance Analyzer export to Position Exit Optimization
>Added spreadsheet export to Position Exit Optimization
>Added position attach/detach to Position Exit Optimization
>Added Walk Forward Spreadsheet display of the Optimization run overview
>Added Walk Forward Spreadsheet display of the global result overview
>Added direct Risk/Reward excursion/difference mode command
>Added automatic removal adjustment function when previous
   Walk Forward optimization not found
>Added Toolbar tooltip texts
2.1c >Added optimization of Walk Forward memory usage
2.1b >Added customizable three Smart Ranking logic [BTWFMGR] RankDef1/2/3=
>Improved Event conversion speed
2.1a >Reduced Position Data footprint by 20%
>Added autopilot execution also for Strategy Potential mode 2
>Integrated new License Manager
>Adjusted File extensions:
wfo1 -> btwf1, wfo2 -> btwf2, wfo3 -> btwf3, wfof -> btwff, wfos -> btwfs, wfox -> pemdef
2.0e >Added Exit Definition Distribution logic
2.0d >Improved Event conversion speed
2.0c >Modifyed Application name
2.0b >Added Position Exit Manager Definition Edit
2.0a >Added Position Exit Manager (PEM)
1.4r >Added advanced Strategy Potential algorithm
1.4q >Added best Excursion Search
1.4p >Added flexible Excursion Y Axis switch
1.4o >Added Excursion Logic
1.4n >Added Risk/Reward Analysis
1.4m >Added Walk Forward Period Management
1.4l >Added Sub Input Parameter analysis
1.4k >Added Draw Down/Equity switch
1.4j >Added Combined Ranking
1.4i >Added Starting Equity Capital ($5000)
1.4h >Added Analysis for Input parameter variations
1.4g >Added Bollinger bands
1.2f >Added Root symbol join
1.2b >Added Zoom In /Out feature
1.2a >Added Filter function
1.1c >Added Chart Max DrawUp/DrawDown
1.1b >Added Statistical Analysis
1.1a Initial Version
2.3a1 Oct 21, 2008
2.2f9 Oct 20, 2008
2.2f8 Oct 18 2008
2.2f7 Oct 11, 2008
2.2f6 Sep 24, 2008
2.2f5 Sep 21, 2008
2.2f4 Sep 12, 2008
2.2f2 Sep 3, 2008
2.2f1 Aug 11, 2008
2.2e4 Jul 28, 2008
2.2e3A Jun 2, 2008
2.2e3 May 22, 2008
2.2c51 Feb 26, 2008
2.2c3 Feb 6, 2008
2.2c2 Jan 19, 2008
2.2c1 Dec 28, 2007

"Diamond Backtesting with Walk Forward Manager (BTWFMgr)" Main Page

Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing one's financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE DISCLAIMER: Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results.

ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Professional Software Solutions(PSS), also known as PSS assumes no responsibility for your trading results. Past performance does not guarantee future performance and Professional Software Solutions does not make any performance representations or guarantees. Any chart or trading demonstration produced by Professional Software Solutions representing trades and using any systems/methods on the www.ProfSoftware.com website or in any advertisement, seminar, brochure, magazine or online demonstrations are to be considered hypothetical trades for educational purposes only. No trading system can guarantee profits. Hypothetical trading results can be unreliable.

Testimonials Disclosure: Testimonials appearing on this website may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success.

© Copyright 2004-2018, Burkhard Eichberger, Professional Software Solutions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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