Trading Performance Analyzer (TrdPerfAna) Updates
(Professional Software Solutions)

Below is a list of all the updates to the "Trading Performance Analyzer".
If you have any earlier version just download the full package and reinstall.T


1.3a >Added eSignal Import - Export as CSV and open Trades.csv file from eSignal Backtesting Export (with Settings.csv)
>Added NinjaTrader Import function - Export as CSV and then drag or Open the CSV file into PerfAna 
>Added automatic FOREX (price below 5.0) precision of 5 digits
>Added option to shift all Position Times by an offset (in Seconds):
set ShiftPosTime in config file  C:/Database/PA/PerfAna.ini to the number of seconds to shift - Example 5 Hours back = -18000

opening the file to be adjusted - which will automatically shift all position times
Save as a new POSA File
remove the ShiftPosTime again in config 

>Added option to multiply position sizes (So FOREX 1 Lot becomes 100000)

>Added option to consolidate multiple identical entry/exits - Example NinjaTrader csv:
1,GBPUSD,Sim101,TTS_GBP,Short,100000,1.2512'9,1.2532'3,2/9/2017 2:00:00 PM,2/13/2017 4:00:00 AM,SE1,Stop loss,($198.00),($198.00),$4.00,$194.00,$732.00,$930.00,19,
2,GBPUSD,Sim101,TTS_GBP,Short,100000,1.2512'9,1.2532'3,2/9/2017 2:00:00 PM,2/13/2017 4:00:00 AM,SE2,Stop loss,($198.00),($396.00),$4.00,$194.00,$732.00,$930.00,19,

>Added direct Interactve Broker(IB) Import module using Trading Account Reports  Video 
>Added direct Interactve Broker(IB) Import module using live real-time Trading Log  Video  
>Added symbol match for partial matches (CL matches CLM5, CLN5 etc)!
1.2q >Added support for tradesize/volume larger than 32,500 shares up to 2,147,483,647 shares
>Added option to delete a selection of SEVERAL Positions from the Position Mgr
>Added Trading Volume/Profit adjustment for selected postion set:
a) Select position to be adjusted in the PosMgr window
b) Enter the factor by which to amplifly the postions (Example 10.0)
c) Click on SetSize button and confirm
d) Size of Volume and Profit/Loss$ has been adjusted for the selected postions
e) SAVE new postion data
>Added new "Percent per Trade" display: +1.00% is shows as +$100.00 PL
>Added new Icons: to toggle between Equity and Percent display: 

>Added "Edit Position Label" Label and "Delete Position" option for selected position:
Shown in the Label Column when you right click and select "Show Position List":
1.2p >Added interactive Position Manager - allowing you to manually add/modify/delete positions.
For more details see: Performance Analyzer - Position Manager 
> Added total duration of all trades and percent in Market statistic
> Added Position Duration (in Hours) to position lists/exports
> Added capturing of the current chart - click in Print Icon/menu or Ctrl+P
   PerfAna will create a new image file (PA_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS) in the folder of the performance file
   and prompt you if you want to view the newly created image file.
> Position Manager - Added new function to set the commission for selected position
> Position Manager - Added new function to amplyfy the position size+PL for selected position
> Corrected Symbol exclude filter
>Added Cost basis column to Position List and export spreadsheet
>Added customizable Futures Cost basis factor - use @ prefix for symbol (@ES) and
enter for each futures symbol the big point value in:
C:\Program Files\Trading Performance Analyzer\PerfAna.ini:
>Added new Trading History button (H in toolbar) which analyses the trading activity in terms of:
   time in the market, capital use, long/short side capital used, number of parallel positions etc.
>Added new Duration branch - showing performance by the duration of the positions:
1.2o >Added new filter to eliminated overlapping positions with a reference set:
  click on new "Filter out overlapping Positions" in the Filter box
  a result spreadsheet file will appear with the overlap details and
  alll the overlapping positions will be eliminated
>Added PSS Volatility Statistics
>Added Annualized Net Profit+Loss
>Added Monthly Abstratction
>Added Quarterly Abstratction
>Added Comparing Position Sets (drag other set into PerfAna window and select #3 compare)
>Added statistics for abstraction branches (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly)
>Added filling missing dates for abstraction branches (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly)
>Adjusted MHT import to new added "RollOver": trade list column format
>Added Bollinger and blue MidLine switch on/off via the toolbar button
>Added Draw down amount and percent toggle display
>Improved Merge Logic (added Replace option also for multi merge and added top most)
>Added new Configuration Manager
>Corrected Commissions column
>Added also *.TXT Import (drap and drop)
>Added skipping spaces from symbol on import
1.2n >Added multiple file merge
1.2m >Improved Merge logic
>Added Open with file association of POSA + MHT files
1.2l >Added CSV Import (File/Open/Select CSV) in format:

See Importable Sample in:
C:\Program Files\Trading Performance Analyzer\SampleImport.csv
1.2k >Added Equity Bollinger Bands and Draw down chart
1.2j >Added Position List export
1.2i >Added Statistic Export
1.2h >Added Monte Carlo Analysis
1.2g >Added Bollinger bands
1.2f >Added Root symbol join
1.2b >Added Zoom In /Out feature
1.2a >Added Filter function
1.1c >Added Chart Max DrawUp/DrawDown
1.1b >Added Statistical Analysis
1.1a Initial Version

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© Copyright 1998-2006, Burkhard Eichberger, Professional Software Solutions
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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