StockTax Run Report                  (Back to Home)

In this step StockTax will finally actually generate the report!

Run ReportClick on this button in the StockTax main window
(or press 4)


StockTax will process the selected data files,
showing you the messages in the Status Window:
Processing Data from:
and write the output into the specified report output file (by default \StockTax\Report1.txt)

Once Stocktax is finished it will bring up the completed Report in a new window
using the NOTEPAD window application and copy the entire report to the clipboard.
Then you can easily paste the report into your WordProcessor, by using Edit/Paste or Ctrl+V,
or inserting from the report text file at "\StockTax\Report1.txt".

You can go back to Step1 if you want to process data from a different Broker,
or step 2 to select different Data Input files or Step3 to define different Report Details

StockTax can produce a TAX Schedule-D Report or an Account Balance Report