InputType: RealTick CSV Files  (Back to Home)  wpe7.jpg (821 bytes)

Each time RealTick is completing a buy or sell order/trade
it will write one line to the daily trade text file on your Hard Disk
with all the trading information (except the commission/fee).
These Trade Files are located in the "trading" subdirectory beneath the main RealTick directory.

RealTick will create a new file for each day in the following manner TRDSyyyymmdd.CSV
(yyyy=Year, mm=Month, dd=Day)

On Oct 21st, 2000 RealTick  will create ...\Trading\TRDS20001021.csv

CSV stands for "Comma Separated Values".
You should save these CSV files on a regular basis!
CSV data files are only recommended for use if no daily margin report or Quicken QIF transaction
files are NOT available, because the actual FEE charged is not recorded,
because the accounting takes place overnight long after the trade has been written to the CSV log file!
Also some trades are phoned it or there are disk problems and will be missing from the CSV files!

StockTax will use its Automatic Fee Calculation to make a 99% correct estimate about the fee charged

RealTick CSV File Format
Each field is separated by the comma as shown below:

320,SD1,XXXX,12345678,Buy,100,PSIX,10 27/32,BRUT,SELECTNET,13:13:47
320,SD1,XXXX,12345678,Sell,100,PSIX,11 13/16,BRUT,SELECTNET,13:41:56

ACCT1-4 Identifies your Account and the branch and broker
TYPE Type of order (Buy or Sell etc)
QTY Number of shares
SYM Ticker Symbol
PRICE Transaction Price
CONTRA Contractor ID used
SYSTEM Route used
TIME Execution Time in the day (HH:MM:SS)
FEE Fee for the transaction - normally blank
This field is NOT supplied by RealTick,
but allows you to overwrite the StockTax
default fee from the Automatic Fee Calculation

Start StockTax and select RealTick CSV from the broker list in Step1 and
the select the files in the CSV folder in Step2

Generate the Report in Step4