UnixDos,Toolkit,utilities,file,management,administration,command,line,process,control,batch,UNIX,Windows95,WindowsNT,UnixDos,Toolkit,conversion,edit,manipulation,search,directory,count,extract,sort,split,compare,merge,test,interaction,MSDOS,DOS,32bit,16bit,grep, ls, du, df, find, mv, rm, m4,chmod, cc, dd, cmpdir, cut, cpio, expr, head, tail, fgrep, egrep, mkdir, mvdir, nl, paste, pr, od, rm, sed, sleep, split, sum, strings, tee, touch, date, echo, join, more, uniq, sort, uptime, uudecode, uuencode, wc, which,sharewareFunctional Overview of UnixDosud_lo.gif (12165 bytes)

To give you a quick overview we grouped all the 92 UnixDos utilities UnixDos,Toolkit,utilities,file,management,administration,command,line,process,control,batch,UNIX,Windows95,WindowsNT,UnixDos,Toolkit,conversion,edit,manipulation,search,directory,count,extract,sort,split,compare,merge,test,interaction,MSDOS,DOS,32bit,16bit,grep, ls, du, df, find, mv, rm, m4,chmod, cc, dd, cmpdir, cut, cpio, expr, head, tail, fgrep, egrep, mkdir, mvdir, nl, paste, pr, od, rm, sed, sleep, split, sum, strings, tee, touch, date, echo, join, more, uniq, sort, uptime, uudecode, uuencode, wc, which,sharewareinto the following functional groups:
Process Control
Program/Batch script Development
Basic File Management (Move/delete/change files & directories)
Work with file content (no modification)
Work with file content (convert, count, edit, extract, sort, split)
Work with Filenames and directories
Compare, merge or test files and directories
User Interaction
Miscellaneous Functions

UnixDos,Toolkit,utilities,file,management,administration,command,line,process,control,batch,UNIX,Windows95,WindowsNT,UnixDos,Toolkit,conversion,edit,manipulation,search,directory,count,extract,sort,split,compare,merge,test,interaction,MSDOS,DOS,32bit,16bit,grep, ls, du, df, find, mv, rm, m4,chmod, cc, dd, cmpdir, cut, cpio, expr, head, tail, fgrep, egrep, mkdir, mvdir, nl, paste, pr, od, rm, sed, sleep, split, sum, strings, tee, touch, date, echo, join, more, uniq, sort, uptime, uudecode, uuencode, wc, which,sharewareProcess Control:
KILL - Terminate process (by PID, HWND or text match, custom message option)
PS - show all current processes/windows
WAIT_END - wait for process to complete before returning to command line

UnixDos,Toolkit,utilities,file,management,administration,command,line,process,control,batch,UNIX,Windows95,WindowsNT,UnixDos,Toolkit,conversion,edit,manipulation,search,directory,count,extract,sort,split,compare,merge,test,interaction,MSDOS,DOS,32bit,16bit,grep, ls, du, df, find, mv, rm, m4,chmod, cc, dd, cmpdir, cut, cpio, expr, head, tail, fgrep, egrep, mkdir, mvdir, nl, paste, pr, od, rm, sed, sleep, split, sum, strings, tee, touch, date, echo, join, more, uniq, sort, uptime, uudecode, uuencode, wc, which,sharewareProgram/Batch script Development:
CC/CC1/CC3 - C Compiler front end allows you to catch errors and warnings
        in text files, so you can automatize large compiles still not miss ANY warning/error!
(U)ECHO - Display text, arguments or environment variables
EXPR - Command line calculator with boolean logic, result as exit code
M4 - Advanced macro processor - create your own source/HTML generator!
MAK2MK - convert MAK files to UnixDos MK files running C compiler front end
SAVEEXIT - Save last errorlevel value for TEST utility etc.
SETENV - set environment variable with advanced argument expansion
TEST - Advanced boolean test of files, strings, numbers, exit codes, run programs
WAIT_END - wait for process to complete before returning to command line

UnixDos,Toolkit,utilities,file,management,administration,command,line,process,control,batch,UNIX,Windows95,WindowsNT,UnixDos,Toolkit,conversion,edit,manipulation,search,directory,count,extract,sort,split,compare,merge,test,interaction,MSDOS,DOS,32bit,16bit,grep, ls, du, df, find, mv, rm, m4,chmod, cc, dd, cmpdir, cut, cpio, expr, head, tail, fgrep, egrep, mkdir, mvdir, nl, paste, pr, od, rm, sed, sleep, split, sum, strings, tee, touch, date, echo, join, more, uniq, sort, uptime, uudecode, uuencode, wc, which,sharewareBasic File Management (Move/delete/change files & directories):
(U)CD - Change directory and drive!, text match, reads file containing a directory!
CHMOD - Change file mode/attribute, protect files in directory with ONE command!
CP - Copy file(s) to new directory or file with REAL verify to check floppies and list progress
CPIO - save/restore/move entire directori(es), pattern match etc (XCOPY would be jealous)
MKDIR - Create new directory or list of directories on one line
MV - Move list of file(s) to new location directory or rename with verify across drives!
RM - Remove file(s) and/or directory(ies), recursive with confirm option and pattern match
TOUCH - Change file time or create new file (can save time during make’s)

Work with file content (no modification):
AF - Analyze file, give count for each ASCII code used
BGREP - Search in binary file for pattern or value (get real offsets in binary files!)
BVI - Interactive workhorse to view contents of any file any size in hex or text
CAT - concatinate several files, join binary or text files after split across discs
EGREP - Search one or several expressions in file or all your sources in a filelist
FGREP - Search one or several pattern in file or all your sources in a filelist
FILE - Display file type
GREP - Search text file for single pattern expression, can descend into several sub directories
HEAD - Display beginning of text file, great to get a quick overview of several files
M4 - Advanced macro processor - create your own source/HTML generator!
(U)MORE - Display text file one screen at a time and allow browsing any filesize
NL - Display text with line numbers, specify start, increment, format and width of number
OD - Display file as octal, decimal, hex, float or text, good old magnification glass
PR - Print a text file, select page, set tabs, header, page length, line numbers, filename
TAIL - Display the end of a text file, great to get only the latest, with big 20K roll back buffer
STRINGS - Extract text from binary file, freat to “view” executables
SUM - Display the checksum of file, great to check if files are identical after transmissions
TXTBOX - superseding UNIX® MORE for interactive viewing without limit of files size
plus line number display, search and much more ...

Work with file content
(edit contents: convert, count, edit, extract, sort, split):

B64 - Decode Base64 Internet Text Files, in case you an e-mail mixed WITH data
BVI - Interactive workhorse to view/edit contents of any file any size in hex or text
BED - Binary stream editor, great to “patch” executables for in-place edits
BSPLIT - split binary file into equal pieces, great to transfer huge files over floppies
CUT - Extract columns/fields from a file, get the 3rd field or last 10 character, re-order fields
DD - Convert file (ASCII/EBCDIC/upper/lower-case/swap bytes)
DOS2UNIX - Convert DOS text files to UNIX (CR+LF to LF), in-place edits, can use file list
GETLINES - Get range of lines from a file, great for sequential line by line batch files
GETRNG - filter out text lines based on a numeric value or range
IO - Extract file area and write to another file (at specified offset), for “binary surgery”
SED - Good old edit workhorse: extract, substitute, delete, etc... also advanced edits
(U)SORT - Advanced sorts based on fields combination, columns or entire line
SPLIT - split text file into equal line segments, when text files get too large to manage
TR - Translate a set of characters, convert all numbers to ‘N’, text to ‘T’ and then us AF
UNIQ - Find unique lines/fields in sorted text file, great to throw duplicates out
UNIX2DOS - Convert UNIX text files to DOS (LF to CR+LF), in-place edits, can use file list
UUENCODE - Convert binary file to ASCII codes for transmission
UUDECODE - Convert ASCII file (from uuencode) back to binary
WC - Count lines/words/characters in file, show total, great to check diagnoistic/error files

Work with Filenames and directories:
BASENAME - Extract the filename+extension
DF - Display free space on disk(s) with Grand Total and percent of free space
DIRNAME - Extract the directory name
DRVNAME - Extract the drive letter
EXTNAME - Extract only the extension
FILENAME - Extract only the filename without extension
DU - Display used space of directori(es), create file list by size, number of files per directory
LS - List files (and sort by name/size/time/extension) long or short listing
(U)FIND - Find files based on name/size/time/type/filemode with boolean logic
PWD - Display current directory, redirect to file and at the end of batch use ucd @file to return
SLASH - Convert DOS filename style to/from UNIX: from C:\TMP\FILE <--> c:/tmp/file
WHICH - Find programs and other file types in PATH, use expressions

Compare, merge or test files and directories:
CF - High speed file compare
CMP - Compare two binary files, show changes with offset and text/hex values
CMPDIR - Compare all files in two directories by time/size/contents, use diff, essential utility
COMM - Display common/uncommon lines of two files
DIFF - Compare two text files line by line and show changes with surrounding lines
JOIN - Join two sorted text files based on common field
PASTE - Join several text files, great to merge files after CUT manipulation
TEST - Advanced test for file size/type/date etc., boolean combinations also numbers, strings

User Interaction:

LINE - Read one line from the keyboard
INPBOX - Display message and prompt user for input, pass result as data file and exit code
MSGBOX - Display message box and pass result as exit code
USRCHAR - Prompt user for single character
USRPRMPT - Prompt user for text
TXTBOX - superseding UNIX® MORE for interactive viewing without limit of files size
plus line number display, search and much more ...

Miscellaneous Functions:
ADD - Add Numbers, show total , min, max, average, count
BANNER - Print text in big letters horizontally, great long batch processes
BBANNER - Print text in VERY BIG LETERS horizontally vertically
BELL - Sound beep(s)
CAL - Display calendar (single, three month or entire year)
CLEAR - Clear the screen
CONV - universal integer convertor any in/out system hex/decimal/octal/binary
(U)DATE - Display or reset the current date and time, use custom formats
ENV - run external program with UnixDos arg expansion and altered environment
EXIT - create specified exit code
SLEEP - Wait for specified number of seconds
(U)TIME - Run a program and display elasped time, great timer to test performance
UPTIME - Display elapsed time since last reboot or reset, also to time batch process
SHOW_EXP - show UnixDos argument expansion
UnixDos,Toolkit,utilities,file,management,administration,command,line,process,control,batch,UNIX,Windows95,WindowsNT,UnixDos,Toolkit,conversion,edit,manipulation,search,directory,count,extract,sort,split,compare,merge,test,interaction,MSDOS,DOS,32bit,16bit,grep, ls, du, df, find, mv, rm, m4,chmod, cc, dd, cmpdir, cut, cpio, expr, head, tail, fgrep, egrep, mkdir, mvdir, nl, paste, pr, od, rm, sed, sleep, split, sum, strings, tee, touch, date, echo, join, more, uniq, sort, uptime, uudecode, uuencode, wc, which,shareware