Real-time visual Portfolio Manager (RTVisPM) - Download
"View and track your position in Real-time!"
(developed by Professional Software Solutions)

Try the "Real-time visual Portfolio Manager (RTVisPM)" on your computer today for 10 days for FREE!!!

Download Real-time visual Portfolio Manager (RTVisPM) 
(Ver 1.2a Nov 20, 2015) 7.86MB

You have 10 days to test "Real-time visual Portfolio Manager" for free.
During the trial period the Simulator is fully functional - but will automatically exit after a few minutes.
All Files are installed to:

Check the Update Page for recent improvements and new features.

Real-time visual Portfolio Manager (RTVisPM) License
Check you license status anytime with the License Manager - Help/License Manager or:
Start/Programs/PSS Trading Simulator (PssTrdSim)/License Manager.

The first time you open the "PSS Trading Simulator (PssTrdSim)" 
confirm with "YES" to run a one-time demo:

When the trial license has expired - the License manager automatically opens:

After you first use the "Real-time visual Portfolio Manager (RTVisPM)" you have 10 days for evaluation and testing..

Thank you

 © Copyright 2012-2015, Burkhard Eichberger, Professional Software Solutions
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.