Lesson2: Selecting your Broker     wpe7.jpg (821 bytes)   wpe8.jpg (821 bytes)

To start the Broker window:
Press 1
(or click on the "Select your Broker" button shown below)
Bro1.jpg (4096 bytes)

Once the Broker window appears:
click on the line showing "DATEK" and then
click on the line showing "MB Trading"

Notice how the button and the instruction text on the right panel changes according to the broker selected!

By clicking on "MB Trading" we are instructing StockTax to get ready to process
MB Trading/Margin Report specific transaction data files.

The Broker window will look like:
wpeC.jpg (47903 bytes)

Some options are not actual brokers (like Manual Entry, Quicken File...),
but prepare StockTax for these specific file formats independent which broker (or yourself)
has generated them

To close Broker window and return to the Main StockTax window:
click on the SaveB.jpg (1128 bytes) button

StockTax reminds you that it is expecting "MB Trading (Margin Reports)" transaction data to process,
by showing "MB Trading (Margin Reports)" next to the Broker button in the main window:
wpeD.jpg (6109 bytes)